Saturday 24 September 2011

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy ha-............nom nom nom

I had to take a moment and meditate to ENHANCE MY CALM before attempting to blog on this topic; I didn’t want to get all riled up mid-way and cause the cataclysmic apocalypse before its due time; December 21, 2012 .........of course.

Now I thoroughly enjoy eating my scrumpdiliumptuous vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, meat, or dairy. I have no allergies to worry about fortunately and as a result I take full advantage of it. I don’t like waste and I am an avid believer in a healthy lifestyle and recycling. However, if you hunt animals for sport and you don’t put every morsel of the creatures life in which you just took to use, its simple, you deserve to die. Go forth into oncoming traffic amigo, close your eyes, relax and just……..let it happen.

OK, so back to the point at hand as I tend to drift ever so often. Whilst you, the vegan, the Muslim, the Rastafarian, the anti-pork activist because-I-can’t-get-a-belief-of-my-own dine quietly on YOUR choice of a meal, do you see me chanting fire upon it? Am I behind your back while you dine (and in most cases when it’s done by you all, failed attempts) to make your meal most unpleasant? NO…Do I laugh at a man that eats veggie chunks which has substantial levels of estrogen in it unbeknownst to him when he gets moobs? (man boobs) No I don’t. I want everyone to enjoy their food.

We are given few extreme pleasures in life and food, FOOD, is one of them. The pork in my plate is considered as my food, leave me alone or I will throw it at you. Well, no, that would be wasting it and not to mention my entire digestive system would revolt. Everyone is on their own path in life and if my path is the way of the pork, so be it.

For those of you who think pork is unclean, I’ve heard all the stories and you frankly don’t want to hear mine about other meats. Don’t worry, I’m sure the hydrochloric acid in my stomach can handle it. However, I shall not ruin your culinary delights by divulging said unpleasant details about your precious fish, crab, chicken etc etc etc and for those of you who actually don’t seek to eat organically grown, HA! Just continue to bless your food before you eat it. Leave others to enjoy their food, all the flavors it offers, all the masticating excitement it creates.

Pork can be cooked healthily and tastily in a myriad of delicious ways. Every meat has to be cooked to a certain temperature before it can be considered entirely safe for human consumption for a variety of reasons that I rather not get into now and every method of cooking pork is quite easily capable of this. At which point is what I’m eating more dangerous than your precious amm chicken? I am not here to make statements against the Bible or other religious beliefs, I don't discuss Religion or politics, I am here to blog about food; How to tastily and healthily cook it and because neither human has dominion over the other why they should really keep their comments to themselves. 

The recommended internal temperature to consider Pork properly cooked is an average of 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Removing the fat and grilling your pork pieces is one of the healthiest ways to cook it. Certain cuts of beef, lamb and veal have an average recommended internal temperature of at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit to be considered properly cooked as well.

If I ever become a vegetarian, hey its possible, and I may become one sooner than I think, the world can rest assured that I will not be standing on a pulpit with a megaphone preaching unto others to do the same. I will not make faces when you are dining on what YOU want to eat. I will not symbolically make my fingers into a cross as though your food is 'vampiric' and you should scamper away into darkness. I only promote eating in healthy, nutritious portions. It is your choice to eat whatever item you want and your right to enjoy it!!

Ok vegans and anti porkies…..on your marks, get set, GO!

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