Tuesday 5 April 2011

ahhhhh.......F#%K IT!

You’re just leaving a club or party at the wee hours of the morn and there's ONE thing on your mind….well, maybe two things, however, I'm talking about FOOD here people, and if you’re like me you are already trying to run through a list of all the places open.

 In Jamaica, especially Kingston you can perhaps list a handful of places serving food at the stomach raping 4:30 am. While some of us are off to our night restaurants; Burger King, KFC, Chelsea, Island Grill, 'Night Spot' among others, there are those of us who are off to the preferred pan chicken man on the side of the road. But before you start digging in and licking your fingers, have you ever stopped to think, where does this man wash his hands? or how does he keep his area sanitary? Does he even have running water? or a designated area for garbage solely? What from Narnia's closet is under his nails? There are quite a few health risks those of us who choose to dine from street side vendors are faced with.

It is very important to have a strong immune system simply for health survival purposes. For the "obsessively compulsive germaphobes" here are a few pointers one could check-out-when-eating-out:

  • The overall LOOK, FEEL, and SMELL of the place…if it doesn’t seem right….it more ‘n likely isn’t, trust your gut before your gut never trusts you again.
  • If a ball of hay rolls pass before you dine and the place seems rather deserted, no you have not discovered the IT spot to eat at before everyone else....get out and get out quickly. If barely anyone dines at this restaurant, and its BEEN open for business, there's usually a reason.  
    • Having worked in the hospitality and food service industry for quite a few years, I always wipe my cutlery before use…take it from me, this may be a habit you’d wanna get into. NO restaurant is exempt, 5 star to no star.
    • Ideally, running water should be available wherever you decide to eat from. People must be able to wash their hands…..with soap. This is ONE of the most important things you have to do in LIFE! There have been many diseases and viruses linked to the non washing of hands throughout history and presently.  I am not a firm believer in the overly hygienic “anti-bacterial gel/wipe” trend, unless there is absolutely no way for me to wash my hands at the moment. Why you ask? The extensive use of anti-bacterials in this day and age have been proven to cause “SUPER” bacteria….I don’t need to help in the development of any bacteria stronger than what my immune system can barely manage.  Am I preaching? AMEN

    • Try to not sit too close to the restroom, I don’t need to spell out why right? See no evil, hear no evil…. smell no evil? Best to sit where your experience will be most pleasant and hygienic.

    Either way, after drunkenly arguing with the pan chicken man; why I couldn’t get another slice of bread or when since a ¼ of chicken cost that or why he only has pineapple soda and no pepsi to sell me, I’ve finally acquired my meal.  Taking a relatively quick glance around at the slew of men fully enthralled in what seems to be THE conversation of the minute OVER the chicken on the flame, a few dogs (literally) chilling out a couple feet away, I take a look at my beautifully wrapped in foil chicken present and think….ahhh fuck it and I devour away. What doesn’t kill me will make me stronger…..I hope.


    1. hahahhahahahahahahaha!!! u make reading fun Rae...more more more!!!

    2. LOVE IT!!!! Tru words ....at 4AM I don't really think half of what you brought up goes through anybody's thoughts... just so so RAW and need some food..lolol

    3. Very very entertaining and so true...One important point too is that the extreme heat of the Pan Chicken experience is suppose to kill much of the bacteria. I heard that somewhere and I am clinging to that sentiment
